The Central Amazon Floodplain: Ecology of a Pulsing System, 3540592768
The Biogeochemistry of the Amazon Basin, 0195114310
The Amazon River Forest, 0195126831
Tropical Rain Forests: A Wider Perspective, 0412815206
A Neotropical Companion: An Introduction to the Animals, Plants, and
Ecosystems of the New World Tropics, 0691009740
Tropical Forest Canopies: Ecology and Management, 079237049X
Forest Canopies, Second Edition, 0124575536
Conservation of Neotropical Forests, 0231076037 *
People in Nature: Wildlife Conservation in South and Central America,
0231127820 *
Conservation and Management of Tropical Rainforests: An Integrated
Approach to Sustainability, 0851989942
Tropical Forest Ecology: The Basis for Conservation and Management,
Humans as Components of Ecosystems: The Ecology of Subtle Human Effects
and Populated Areas, 0387982434
Permaculture, Principles & Pathways Beyond Sustainability,
Holmgren, 0646418440 *
The One-Straw Revolution, Fukuoka, 0878572201 *
Das grosse Handbuch Waldgarten, Whitefield, 3922201253 *
The Human Manure Handbook, Jenkins, 9780964425835 *
Create an Oasis with Graywater, Ludwig, 0964343398 *
Der Garten, Anstiftung zur Selbstversorgung, Packpapier Verlag *
Das Kompostklo, Einfälle statt Abfälle *
Windkraft? Ganz einfach!, Einfälle statt Abfälle *
Solarstron in 12-Volt-Anlagen, Einfälle statt Abfälle
Sonnenwäreme - 12 Bauanleitungen, Einfälle statt
Abfälle *
Öfen ganz aus Lehm gebaut!, Einfälle statt
Abfälle *
Abwärme-Öfen, Einfälle statt
Abfälle *
Wir bauen ein Lehm-Fachwerkhaus, Einfälle statt
Abfälle *
Flora da Reserva Ducke, Inpa *
Frutales en Venezuela, Jesus Hoyos *
Palmas en Venezuela, Jesus Hoyos y August Braun *
Palms: Sentinels for Amazon Conservation, 9972297403
Die Kulturpflanzen der Tropen und Subtropen, 3800141159 *
Bäume der Tropen, 3933203791 *
Fruits of the Guianan flora, 9090009884 http://www.nhbs.com
Frutas Brasileiras, R$80 Ipec
Tropical and Subtropical Trees: An Encycolpedia
Tropical Forest Seeds, 3540490280
Plantas: medicinais
Plantas Medicinais no Brasil, Ipec
Medical and Useful Plants of the Upper Amazon, 0962515078 *
Duke's Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latinamerica
South American Medicinal Plants
Medicinal plants of the Guianas (Smithsonian)
Healing and Medicine (Smithsonian)
Ethnobotany: A Methods Manual, 1844070840
Applied Ethnobotany: People, Wild Plant Use and Conservation, 1853836974
Vine of the Soul: Medicine Men, Their Plants and Rituals in the
Colombian Amazonia, 090779131X
The Healing Forest: Medicinal and Toxic Plants of the Northwest
Amazonia, 0931146143
Gesundheit aus der Apoteke Gottes, Maria Treben
Sistemas Agroflorestal:
Tropical Agroforestry, 0632040475
Landschaftliche Betriebssysteme in den Tropen und Subtropen Food and
Feed from Legumes and Oilseeds, 0412459302
Development of Methods for the Combined Evaluation of Tropical
Multipurpose Shrub and Tree Legumes for Feed Value and Soil Enhancement
Methodologies for Screening Soil-Improving Legumes
Soil Erosion and Conservation, 1405117818
Wild Fermentation: The Flavor, Nutrition, and Craft of Live-Culture
Foods *
Living Cuisine, The Art of Raw Foods, 1583331719 *
Kraftquelle Rohkost, 3453417410 *
Unsere Nahrung unser Schicksal, 3891890036 *
Natürlich konservieren: Die 250 besten Rezepte, um
Gemüse und Obst möglichst naturbelassen haltbar zu
machen, 3936896100
Keimen, Pflanz es zu Haus, Packpapier Verlag *
Die Kräuter Fibel, Packpapier Verlag *